

I am interested in the internal physical experience of the spaces we inhabit. A practice encompassing the use of multiple audio-visual, traditional and new technologies, I am currently experimenting with my digitally manipulated custom-made glass percussion and voice.

Collaborating in different and unusual ways is an integral part of my practice. As a method to challenge my perceptions and artistic decisions or ‘to push myself outside of my own head and find new and exciting sounds’, I love to combine the unexpected with the chaotic and then follow where the process takes me.

I have a longstanding collaboration with sound artist Simon Bradley under the name ESSGEE, with whom I'm been developing a distinct sound through experimental improvisation methods and intense listening. We are currently developing an album.

My sound work is often developed in conjunction with visuals and I'm interested in using multiple new technologies to express my creations. My work takes the shape of live performance, collaborative installations, sound and film projects (both IRL and remote).

Photo credit: Studio Bokehgo